Welcome to the New and Improved Soap Witch Crafts!
Oh, look a blog! Now you get to see even more things from me. Isn't that great? Well of course it is! Not only do I have a brand-new blog, I also have a shiny new website. Ooooo! Aaaaaah!
See, what had happened was... I really got the feeling that it was time to move away from platforms like Etsy, Ebay and Amazon Market place. Don't get me wrong, those are all really great places. They helped me develop the confidence to put myself out there and be all I can be... wait...
Well anyway I have said good bye to all of those sites and now all of my bath and body products can be found at one central location. I love that I have complete autonomy of the design aspects and offerings.
I will be posting blogs on a regular basis... with whatever interests me at the time (seriously you should all be nervous). In another life I was an author and rambled... I mean blogged all the time. I am looking forward to sharing with all of you once again.
Oh, and by the way, it's your lucky day. Why you say? Well, since you've made it all the way to end of my lovely post here, you get rewarded with a coupon code. Yay!
Just enter 8HWKSV1RE9BV at checkout and you will receive 20% off your entire order! Happy Shopping!
Until next time,
The Soap Witch