My Hair Care Journey - Week 4
So welcome to week 4 of my new hair care journey, and it was a rough one! If you missed week 3 you can catch it here.
This week I tried my hand at “Wave Formers”. I have mixed feelings about them at the moment but overall I think I like them… maybe.
So I am dropping you in at the point where I have just rinsed my Tempting Tonic Deep Conditioner from my hair (after of course washing with my Charcoal Bliss Shampoo Bar) and I am ready to start styling. Aaaaaand ACTION!
Week 4:
My hair is fresh and ready to go and I am adding some leave-in conditioner before I get on with the styling. Adding that first wave former was a test of what little patience I have. You have to insert the hook into the wave former, hook your hair then pull it all through (I am making it sound waaaaaaaay easier than I ever found it to be).
Here I am still struggling with these things and full of regret. I almost rage quit ya’ll. The struggle was so real!
So here I am masquerading as Medusa as I remove these things and style my hair. I actually like the style, almost looks like I’ve applied heat to my hair (this must be some type of magic…I know it)! I put these in sometime around 11 or 12 ish and my hair dried enough to take them out around 8ish (your mileage my vary of course). I only bought 2 packs (they come in packs of 12). I think I need at least 1 more pack if not 2 to really do a good job in the front. I ran out in the end and had to stuff too much hair into the last 3 curlers.
This is the day after I took the Wave Formers down. I slept with my ridiculously large muffet on and kind of fluffed it in the morning. Not too shabby. A little soft for my taste. Didn’t hold much hope the style would last longer than 2 or 3 days. I am still formulating my magical gel and maybe it needs to have a little stronger hold? We’ll see.
Later that day…
So, this style didn’t even make it past Nashville’s humidity (which has truly been oppressive lately). It literally puffed up after about 10 minutes in the car. You know how you can just FEEL your hair making a complete fool out of you without even having to look or touch it? Yeah… me too. I huffed, The Assistant turned to me with this incredibly shocked expression and says, “I didn’t know that could happen so fast!”
I even had to stop at Walgreens to pick up a headband, because in the car I had NONE (seriously WHAT was I thinking)? Shout out to my friend in dance class who advised me of the fabulous headbands they carry in Walgreens… though it took me a year to finally pick one up (don’t judge).
I think that IF I get another pack or 2 so that I can use the appropriate amount for my hair and do this style in the fall or winter I may have better luck.
That’s all I’ve got for this week friends.
Stay tuned for week 5.
Until Next Time,
The Soap Witch